
Professor Toby Walsh

Technical University, Berlin, Research Group Leader at CSIRO Data61 and Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW

Toby Walsh is a world-renowned professor on artificial intelligence at the Technical University of Berlin, University of South Wales and Data61. He was named by the media as a “rock star” of the digital revolution and included on the list of the 100 most important digital innovators in Australia. Toby is the author of the books ‘IT’S ALIVE’, ‘Android Dreams’, ‘Machines That Think’ and ‘2062: The Year that AI Made”.

Toby is a sought-after keynote speaker on how artificial intelligence influences business, education, warfare, personal development, and finance, among others. His talks were featured at TED, Adobe Pacific Summit, Future Shapers Forum, CEBIT and Quest Future of AI. He has advised a number of leading organisations on their AI strategy such as McKinsey & Co, Bertlesmann, TATA Consulting, ServiceNow, Clayton UTZ, the NSW Department of Education, and Penguin Random House.

Prof. Walsh is a passionate advocate for limits to AI to ensure AI is used to improve, not hurt, our lives.
Together with Pope Francis, Toby was voted runner up in the Person of the Year Award by the Arm Control Association, recognising his work in ensuring safe use of AI in warfare.