In honour of International Women’s Day, ADAPT aims to shine a light on the strides made by women in technology, echoing this year’s IWD theme, “Inspire Inclusion,” which calls for a united front to foster an inclusive tech landscape. 

This article spotlights the remarkable journey of Katherine McDermott, who broke through the tech industry’s barriers to found See Me Please, a company dedicated to enhancing digital accessibility. 


A leap into tech 

Katherine’s story begins with an unexpected turn into technology that would redefine her career path. 

Returning from parental leave, she was presented with an opportunity that would pivot her career towards tech, despite her non-technical background.  


Impact and innovation at Service NSW 

Katherine’s tenure at Service NSW marked a period of profound impact. She spearheaded digital initiatives that reshared the delivery of critical public services to millions. 

Her journey is a testament to the power of seizing opportunities and the importance of adaptability and resilience in a male-dominated field. 


Embracing opportunities and continuous learning 

Throughout her career, Katherine has highlighted the value of grabbing every chance, continuously learning, and the significant impact of mentorship and support networks.  

Her path demonstrates that a career in tech is defined not by one’s initial study field or early career choices but by the willingness to take on new challenges. 


Advocating for women in tech 

Katherine stresses the importance of initiatives aimed at closing the gender gap in technology roles.  

She advocates for efforts to create an inclusive environment where women can thrive, emphasising the need for mentorship, fair pay, and community support to foster gender equality in the tech industry. 

Katherine McDermott’s story is not just one of personal triumph but a call for more room at the tech table. When women get their shot, they don’t just fit in—they stand out and transform the game. 

This International Women’s Day and beyond, let’s commit to enriching the tech industry with diverse voices and perspectives, moving beyond mere equity to truly inclusive innovation and leadership. 


Watch other Remarkable Women in Tech – Peggy Renders, Luli Adeyemo, Claudine Ogilvie, Pooja Singh, and Marie Johnson’s full interviews or our compilation of their stories.

Matt Boon Senior Research Director
As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions. In his role... More

As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions.

In his role at ADAPT Boon advises C-Suite executives across the end-user and technology provider landscape. Boon is also responsible for bringing together groups of C-Suite leaders to discuss and prepare for the myriad of challenges and opportunities they face.

ADAPT hosts numerous industry-leading IT-focused events annually and Boon is responsible for hosting, chairing and delivering ADAPT independent content and positions to help attendees make informed IT decisions.

Katherine McDermott Chief Digital Officer at Service New South Wales
Leadership Skills Transformation