In this presentation, Matt Boon Director of Strategic Research at ADAPT, discusses the key takeaways and findings from the Security Edge survey, emphasising the major priorities and challenges in the cyber security landscape.

The main priority highlighted by the survey is building a secure and trusted organisation.

Compliance and governance have gained increased focus, driven by major breaches, leading to a rise in awareness at the highest levels of leadership teams and boards.

Despite challenges in talent acquisition and retention, organisations strive to become more data-driven and prioritise data security skills.

Matt delves into investment priorities and inhibitors faced by organisations.

Lack of budget allocation tops the list of business inhibitors, requiring a strategic approach to secure funding for cyber security initiatives.

Addressing talent shortages and navigating organisational culture and politics are critical challenges.

There is a need to automate and leverage technology to overcome manual tasks and enhance operational efficiency in cyber security.

Furthermore, Matt discusses cyber security technologies and threats, with a spotlight on data security, cloud security, and third-party security risk.

He highlights the importance of public perception and communication strategies in incident response, emphasising the significance of building a secure brand image.

Matt also provides insights into investment priorities for the coming year, including a focus on cyber security awareness and training to improve organisational resilience.


Key Takeaways:

  • The key priorities identified include building a secure and trusted organisation, compliance and governance, improving operational effectiveness, talent acquisition, and enhancing customer experience while maintaining security.
  • Infrastructure protection, compliance regulation, data security, and awareness and training are crucial.
  • The major drivers for security initiatives include focusing on preventing data loss, mitigating brand damage, ensuring data privacy, and addressing public perception. Aligning cyber resilience with business, incident response, governance, compliance, and in-house security skills is essential.
Matt Boon Senior Research Director
As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions. In his role... More

As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions.

In his role at ADAPT Boon advises C-Suite executives across the end-user and technology provider landscape. Boon is also responsible for bringing together groups of C-Suite leaders to discuss and prepare for the myriad of challenges and opportunities they face.

ADAPT hosts numerous industry-leading IT-focused events annually and Boon is responsible for hosting, chairing and delivering ADAPT independent content and positions to help attendees make informed IT decisions.

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