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3 min
Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Ways to Protect Employees, Customers and Ensure Business Continuity
The Australian government has quite rightly taken steps to minimise the risk of coronavirus to the Australian mainland through fast and wide-reaching travel restrictions and border monitoring, expected to increase in scale. Worryingly, ADAPT CIO research shows employees still lack the tools and ability to collaborate and work virtually.
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8 min
How CIOs Can Translate Tech Into Business Language with Industry Legend Dean Nelson
Dean Nelson reveals how CIOs can best communicate the value of technology to the executive board.
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8 min
Dean Nelson Prepares Australia for the Edge Data Tsunami
Dean Nelson shared just how unprepared Australia is for edge compute and how to grasp the opportunities it offers.
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8 min
Dean Nelson on protecting your future job, Digital Labour and the Infrastructure Masons
Dean will be flying in to attend and keynote ADAPT’s 8th annual Connected Cloud & DC Edge on March 10-12. This weekend he shared with ADAPT’s CEO Jim Berry how AI and digital labour is about to transform future jobs.
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8 min
Dean Nelson on the Software-defined 2020 and Microsoft’s Carbon Plan
Dean Nelson discusses how 2020 is the year for software-defined and the way to a greener future.