ADAPT’s Senior Research Analyst, Gabby Fredkin, reveals the position of security in Australia and the top initiatives and challenges from executive survey insights.

Security initiatives are hindered by too many manual processes.

Without modern technologies, security teams must perform more tasks manually, such as threat detection, perimeter mapping, and allocating security policies.

Data decisions are increasingly driven by combining statistical analysis with visualisation tools. Organisations can address legacy mindsets and processes through digitisation. Digitisation allows organisations to utilise people across different business units, capture value from their operations and improve security.


Key Takeaways:

  • The best way to fight the modern threat landscape is to focus on people who are technologists who can help you effectively combat security threats.
  • Partner with other business units to change their perspective. A good enabler doesn’t always say yes. Offer good advice, elevate the perception of security over time, and have a commercial mindset.
  • Legacy technologies are the most significant technical barrier to keeping organisations safe. Old technology is more complicated to patch, and when the old is mixed with the new, a unified strategy for security is more difficult.
Gabby Fredkin Head of Analytics & Insights at ADAPT
With a passion for creating stories with data, Gabby is consistently rated as one of the top speakers at ADAPT Events. In... More

With a passion for creating stories with data, Gabby is consistently rated as one of the top speakers at ADAPT Events. In round table discussions, he specialises in using statistics to initiate thought-provoking discussions. Gabby is effective in translating information into insights, enabling ADAPT’s customers to become more data-driven.​

Modern Technologies Digitisation