
Joseph Chan

Founder and CEO at AsiaPay

Mr. Joseph Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AsiaPay, founded the company in August 2000. He spearheaded the company and product development together with his management team, to become one of the most successful digital payment service and technology company in Asia, with operations covering 16 countries.

Prior to AsiaPay, Joseph took various management positions at Barings, Citibank N.A., Bank of America and Dah Sing Bank. Through successive positions in banking and finance industries, Joseph has consolidated his expertise and experience in strategic planning, management and implementation of financial, electronic banking, Internet and mobile product services and systems in Asia. He has been an active keynote and industry speaker in FinTech & e-Payment conferences across Asia.

Joseph received his Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Economics degree from Monash University in Australia.

Joseph’s achievement has been recognized by the society and Joseph was honorably to receive “EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2014”, by Ernst & Young, “The 10 Most Disruptive Tech Entrepreneurs to Look for in 2020″, by Mirror Review, “Best Performing Business Leaders to Watch 2020”, by CIOLook and “The 10 Best Performing CEO, 2020”, by The BUSINESS BERG.