
Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan

Global CTO at RSA

As CTO, Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan is responsible for leading the development of the company’s technology strategy focusing on bringing to market the innovations that help RSA’s customers take a business-driven approach to security.

Prior to joining RSA, Ramzan served as CTO of Elastica (acquired by BlueCoat), where he leveraged machine learning technologies and natural language processing to enable customers to more securely access and use cloud services. Before Elastica, Ramzan respectively served as chief scientist of both Sourcefire, acquired by Cisco in 2013, and malware analytics company Immunet, acquired by Sourcefire in 2010. Ramzan previously served as the technical director of Symantec’s security technology and response division, where he was the architect for the company’s reputation-based malware detection technology.

Ramzan earned his Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.