
Dr. Terri Simpkin

Education Committee Chair at Infrastructure Masons

Identified as one of the Power 50 – the most influential women in the global digital economy in 2019, Dr Theresa (Simpkin) is an industry focussed academic, researcher, consultant and public speaker. Her work on skills and labour challenges has been drawn upon by State and Federal Governments in Australia and she has collaborated widely with industry associations, education institutions and enterprises around the world and across industrial sectors.

Driven by her frustration at the glacial pace toward widespread inclusion, Terri’s evidence based programme, ‘Braver Stronger Smarter’, is based on her own global research into the impostor phenomenon; advancing over forty years of previous work in the area.

This session identifies the workplace, leadership and personal implications associated with a lack of workplace diversity. In particular, Terri will unpick the workplace implications of the impostor phenomenon and how it impacts women and men in engineering, science and tech and explores how it robs organisations of a diverse talent pool. This is particularly resonant in the Digital Infrastructure sector where skills, labour and talent shortages are a key business risk.