I’m passionate about inquiry, innovation and believe asking new and different questions is vital to successful futures. Today, answers are everywhere; success comes to those that continually ask new and different questions. As a young engineer, progressing to CEO of 500 people I saw firsthand the success of inquiry and innovation. Curious, I moved to the Australian Graduate School of Management to undertake research into innovation success in large and leading organisations. Through AGSM, I am fortunate to work with the best local and global leaders of change and growth. My company, Managed Innovation International was formed in 2002 and my skill in asking different questions lead to many successful projects.
With the support of 12 leading organisations Hargraves Institute was formed in 2006. As founder, I am proud of over 100 organisations that form the members and alumni of our community and share our vision and mission into the art and science of inquiry, innovation and collaboration. I am committed to connecting high performing individuals, teams and organisations through coaching, mindset and inquiry. My understanding of how to ask new and different questions, how to connect people brings out the positive strengths in my colleagues and clients. My extended network supports my passion and understanding of the latest developments in the fast-changing world of innovation.
Being appointed Adjunct Professor at UTS Business School, recognises my respect for research and rigour. My continuing research is to understand why some organisations and teams, succeed and others not. How do the best challenge themselves? How do they continue to ask new and different questions? How do they remain relevant?