There is a growing need for cyber security professionals to strengthen the defence against cyber security intrusions.

There has never been a more critical time to ensure the security of digital systems and services, in a climate where many agencies are struggling to protect their existing information systems and data.

An effective workforce of the future is not only technically competent, but also understands business language.

There is a need for cloud configuration architects and secure code engineers, but we also need empathetic people who are able to connect roles with purpose.

To measure and incentivise change, courses should be ranked and rated so consumers can determine which supplier can provide that appropriate path and opportunity. Choose institutes that offer relevant industry courses and integrated work placement programs that will ensure employment after graduation.

During this interview, Damien discusses the role of modern security leaders in protecting business value, measuring and incentivising change and the ongoing challenges.


Key Takeaways:

  • Develop a program within your company that takes on graduates and helps them develop the skills they need, particularly in regard to cyber security. Cyber security experts cannot always be found through traditional paths.
  • Putting the value against the cost in terms of the role of what security is doing to enable the overall organisation.
  • An organisation’s role is to communicate and bring people along on the journey, to help them understand the importance of security and why it is relevant. The responsibility for cyber security in an organisation belongs to everyone. Cyber security should function more as an enabler of the business’s risk appetite rather than as an isolated department.
Shane Hill Principal Research Analyst
Shane Hill is part of ADAPT’s Strategic Research and Advisory team. As Principal Research Analyst, he produces pragmatic insights tailored to the... More

Shane Hill is part of ADAPT’s Strategic Research and Advisory team. As Principal Research Analyst, he produces pragmatic insights tailored to the specific needs of technology leaders in Australia and New Zealand.

Hill has worked in technology delivery and market intelligence roles for the past 15 years. His expertise encompasses automation, data science, and machine learning domains. He focuses on how emerging technologies will impact the business models, frameworks, and operations of end-user and vendor organisations.

Formerly of Gartner and with IT services experience across multiple jurisdictions, Shane has led business transformation, technology modernisation, vendor management, and advisory programs for leading consultancies, major corporates, government agencies, and boutique firms.

Damien Manuel Chairperson of the Board at Australian Information Security Association
Chairperson of the Board at Australian Information Security Association Damien has a proven track record of successfully driving and implementing technology, cultural,... More

Chairperson of the Board at Australian Information Security Association

Damien has a proven track record of successfully driving and implementing technology, cultural, policy and process changes in a diverse range of enterprises from retail and government through to the financial sector.

Cloud Leadership