Domain Group is more than just a property listing application. The business involves commercial real estate, property data solutions, interacting with government, local councils, developers, and more.

Domain did not have the same challenges as frontline workers; the organisation was able to transition to work from home relatively quickly during the pandemic. A major challenge was the two-year border closure that stopped talent from entering the country. All technology companies were drawing on the same pool of local talent.

We had the tools and systems in place to move to hybrid. Online meetings were held regularly, but for shorter periods of time. A flexible ‘Time Box’ arrangement around work hours supported employee wellbeing. Domain strives to improve its focus and prioritisation skills.

Employees are focusing on no more than five things at a time rather than multiple tasks, which should provide a better balance to workloads.

In an interview with ADAPT Senior Analyst Peter Hind, Tregurtha discusses the challenges of a connected workplace and how Domain Group are moving forward in this new environment.


Key Takeaways:

  • Change is about bouncing forward. There is no going back to the old ways of working. It’s a different way of working.
  • In order for technology to be effective and efficient, it must run in the background, be streamlined, and allow people to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. Technology is at its best when you don’t realise it is there.
  • Making Work Absolutely Human provides Domain Group’s culture dashboard. It measures safety, agency and belonging. Ultimately, you will get the best performance from people based on how they show up and how they feel at work. This isn’t necessarily an engagement score.
Management Leadership Culture