In a conversation with ADAPT’s Senior Research Director Matt Boon, Nicholas Flood, Managing Director at IBM Australia, delved into the transformative power of artificial intelligence in business.  

Nicholas highlighted IBM’s “restless reinvention,” which encapsulates their journey and aspiration to lead in hybrid cloud and AI, advocating for a multimodal, hybrid AI approach.   

This strategy focuses on creating tailored AI deployments to meet specific organisational needs, moving beyond large, general-purpose models. 

On modernisation, Nicholas remarked on the paradigm shift from massive upfront investments to more incremental approaches.  

He noted how past failures of large-scale projects have influenced current decision-making, leading to a more cautious approach where benefits are harvested progressively.  

Macroeconomic factors like supply chain pressures and inflation influenced this shift, which compels organisations to scrutinise expenditures more rigorously. 

A large part of the discussion revolved around allocating budgets for innovation.

Nicholas noted a paradox in the Australian business landscape: while there is a recognition of the need for innovation to enhance productivity and global competitiveness, there seems to be a shortfall in funding for such initiatives.  

He advocates for a bottom-up approach where line-of-business teams are empowered to propose practical technology applications that enhance operations and deliver tangible benefits. 

Touching upon the role of AI in various aspects of business operations, he stressed the importance of understanding AI as an integral part of future business operations rather than a distinct, separate entity.  

This approach positions AI as a critical driver for enhancing Australia’s productivity and global standing. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • Embrace a Multimodal, Hybrid AI Approach: Tailoring AI solutions to fit specific organisational needs is vital to effective application. 
  • Adopt Incremental Modernisation: Transitioning to a step-by-step modernisation strategy can provide immediate benefits while addressing long-term objectives. 
  • Recognise AI as Integral to Business Operations: Understanding AI as a fundamental part of future business practices is essential for staying competitive in a global landscape. 
Matt Boon Senior Research Director
As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions. In his role... More

As Senior Research Director at ADAPT, Matt Boon is responsible for directing and developing ADAPTs research content and positions.

In his role at ADAPT Boon advises C-Suite executives across the end-user and technology provider landscape. Boon is also responsible for bringing together groups of C-Suite leaders to discuss and prepare for the myriad of challenges and opportunities they face.

ADAPT hosts numerous industry-leading IT-focused events annually and Boon is responsible for hosting, chairing and delivering ADAPT independent content and positions to help attendees make informed IT decisions.

Nicholas Flood Managing Director IBM Australia & Vice President Technology
Responsible for IBM’s operations in Australia ensuring the company meets the needs of its customers and partners that sell or build on... More

Responsible for IBM’s operations in Australia ensuring the company meets the needs of its customers and partners that sell or build on the IBM platform.

Transformation Cloud Modernisation