
Min Livanidis

Digital Trust, Cyber Security, and Data Public Policy Lead at AWS

Min Livanidis is currently the Digital Trust, Cyber Security, and Data Public Policy Lead at Amazon Web Services (AWS), an Industry Professor in the School of Information Technology at Deakin University and holds the position as an Advisory Board member at the OCSC. With over a decade of experience in cyber security, national security and government, Min is passionate about innovation in security and the human rights implications of new technologies.

Prior to joining AWS, Min held multiple roles in the Australian Signals Directorate, first as an intelligence analyst then moving into advisory roles in the Office of Compliance and Oversight and the Office of the Deputy Secretary for Intelligence and Security. Min also managed the Security Intelligence and Insights function at NBN Co. and has worked as a consultant to federal government clients at PwC and KPMG.

Min holds a Master of Public Policy and Management from Monash University, and a Bachelor of International Relations (Hons) from La Trobe University.