
Matthew Pritchard

Head of IT Strategy at SA Power Networks

As the Head of IT Strategy for SA Power Networks (SAPN), I am passionate about using my knowledge, skills and influence to help SAPN and South Australia transition to the new (clean) energy future using technology. While I have been in the utilities industry for 15 years, I am a techy at heart, and believe that in putting the customer first, and combing our Future Network, Customer and Digital strategies we can create an energy services transition, with customers at the heart, powered by digital.

Having had many roles throughout my career, I have learnt that the best teams need to create their own ways of working, leveraging and combing the best of agile, dev-ops, UX, human centred design and project planning, while understanding the business and strategic context, to create a great culture and deliver ongoing value for the organisation.

I am constantly challenging (and supporting) my teams to embrace these new ideas, balancing emergent design and risk, accepting failure (so long as we learn), and understanding that we only move forward when everyone wins. Digital transformation occurs in the business, and the role of IT is to act as trusted advisors, partnering with the organisation to achieve the strategic vision.