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10 min
Facebook Libra – Going Strong Against the Wind
Facebook has finally announced Libra, its long-anticipated cryptocurrency. ADAPT believes it would be a big mistake for Australian business leaders to ignore this move. Australian CIOs and CFOs should watch the blockchain space carefully.
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5 min
CSIRO Report Reinforces ADAPT’s Vision to Advance Australia
ADAPT endorses the new CSIRO report on the choices Australia faces. It shows what we need to do to fulfil our potential. There is still time to change, but we still see too much risk aversion and complacency at the highest levels.
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10 min
The Reasons Why Today’s CIO Has the Hardest Job in the Business
I am amazed at the challenges CIOs and IT leaders deal with day to day. To help us all understand and empathise with the challenges they face, I thought I’d summarise just the last six months of our interactions with them, outlining the many challenges they face and the variety of jobs they are tasked with.
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10 MIN
ADAPT Overview: IBM Think Summit “Dear Tech”
ADAPT attended the Australian leg of IBM’s Think Summit, a global event designed to showcase how technology can be a positive force in the world, improving the environment and diversity, safety, travel, medicine, intellectual property, retail, telco – across all of society.